It has never been more critical to solve The 10% Problem.

Today, less than 10% of Organisations and Leaders successfully integrate their values into the behaviours and strategies that build a lasting, connected, and authentic brand.

Monostory closes the gap between brand values and actions, solving The 10% Problem and empowering Leaders and Organisations to develop and live their authentic brand story.


My name is Sam Valich. I am a Brand Strategist and the proprietary creator and facilitator of Monostory. I have over 20 years of experience working with CEOs, Boards and Executive Teams.

With a deep understanding of the importance of authenticity and alignment in brand development, I help leaders and organisations embody their values as brand-building behaviours that shift The 10% Problem.

CEOs and Executive Leaders call on me because they need to clarify their identity, establish a strategic direction, realign with mission and values, recover from reputation damage, create a compelling brand story, improve communication, foster innovation, build a strong employer brand and culture, develop authentic values or aligning with a purpose-driven approach.

Do you want to know and live your authentic values?

Do you want to know your brand story?

Do you want to realign with your purpose and mission?

Do you want to improve your connection and communication?

Do you want to make decisions easier?

Do you want to grow brand-led creativity and innovation?

Do you want to build a strong culture [the way you do things]

Monostory for Leaders.

Ideal for CEOs, Directors, Executives, Freelancers, SME Owners, Solopreneurs, Philanthropists, Speakers, Artists, Influencers, and Snr. High School or Uni Students who want to craft their authentic values-driven brand story.

  • Become intentional and be able to clearly communicate your purpose, mission, promise and unique personality across key areas of your life and leadership.

  • Get real about your counterfeits - the attractive alternatives that mimic your brand but lack substance and take you off track.

  • Support authentic growth, communication and decision-making with a brand health checklist and development plan that aligns with your values.

Monostory for Organisations.

Ideal for Organisations, Businesses and Movements that want to build an authentic brand story. Develop a strong values-driven brand foundation that empowers everything you say and do from the inside-out.

Right now, you may need to clarify your brand identity, establish a strategic direction, grow or realign with your mission, recover from reputation damage, create a compelling brand story, improve communication, foster innovation, build a strong employer brand and culture, develop authentic lived values or align with a purpose-driven approach…

  • Brand Analysis Workshop

  • Monostory Workshop for 1-10 leaders in your Organisation. Together we will develop your values-driven brand story so that everyone in your team can clearly communicate, live out and innovate with your purpose, mission, promise, unique personality and core values.

  • We will get real about your counterfeit brand - the attractive alternative that mimics your brand but lacks substance and takes your brand off track.

  • You will be given a values-driven Brand Identity, a brand health checklist to support brand-led decision-making and change management, a Brand Development Roadmap and messaging that supports connection and authenticity.

  • I couldn’t recommend Sam more highly! She has been instrumental in helping our organisation define, articulate and craft a brand that encapsulates all components of our organisation including; cultural values, messaging platforms, visual identity, public relations and employee value propositions. To enable this work Sam was required to work across teams, countries, and languages and to continually develop the organisation’s understanding of the role of Brand. She is visionary and creative and has helped me push boundaries and ask questions about our organisation's future and its role in the sector. I am so thankful for her time on my team and for the personal support she has offered.”


  • “It is an understatement - but Sam has been the catalyst that has revolutionised our organisation’s identity and provided clarity of thinking previously missing. Her Monostory process revealed the one story of our brand and then wrapped it in authentic language. It has been such a revelation to the board and to me as CEO of the organisation. But more than all this- Sam is someone who deeply cares about the outcomes, but also the people through the process. I am humbled and so thankful for all Sam has brought and continues to bring to the organisation I serve and my role. Thank you!”


  • “Sam helped me with a personal brand exercise using her Monostory approach. I was amazed at the output and the Monostory, the telling of my story and values. Sam's approach was unique, clever, and ingenious as she could extract a lot of content to build a simple yet deep story. Working with Sam was easy and fun and her passion for what she does is contagious. I highly recommend Sam if you are interested in building your unique personal brand in a very special way.”


  • “Sam is unlike any other person I've ever met. Dynamic, entrepreneurial and big thinking only begin to touch on some of the qualities she carries. Sam is a guru on new ideas and conceptual thinking. Her love for keeping one finger firmly on the pulse of culture, society, people and brands always meant she was the go-to source for inspiration and next-practice thinking. I loved working with Sam and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a brilliant-minded and passionate individual.”


  • “Sam facilitated our Monostory workshop in May 2024. We gathered 12 people from all over Australia to think through the core values of our organisation, to articulate who we are and what we stand for. Or put another way, what is our story … our unique story. It was both a challenging and enriching two days. At the end of it everyone stopped, looked at our Monostory and said, “Wow. This is us”. The process was amazing. Sam is super skilled. It may be two of the most fruitful days I have had in my 17 years as CEO.”


  • “Thank you for the time you spent presenting with the team yesterday. They were so excited afterwards and just brimming with energy. Clarity of purpose saves so much wasted energy. You have given us fresh wind in our sails. We are very grateful.”


  • “Sam is an engaged and experienced facilitator who gets the best out of every participant and the group. I’ve been part of many vision and value processes (facilitating them myself with mixed results)… but Sam’s Monostory model and skill is exceptional.”


  • “Before working with Sam I was frustrated when communicating my brand with designers. As a result, I wasted money, revision after revision. In one session with Sam, she helped me to get crystal clear on how I should communicate my values to everybody from designers to employees. I can honestly say it has saved me money, time and hassle. I would highly recommend small business owners work through this process with Sam.”


  • “Sam was an absolute pleasure to work with. She is insightful and quick to understand organisational history, limitations and needs to adapt/change. Sam has the exact right balance between collaborative work, strategy, and task-oriented output. She has extensive experience and contacts, and she brings these to bear for the well-being and advancement of her clients and the people they are looking to support. I cannot recommend her highly enough."


  • I feel deeply grateful for the gift of having been taken through a Leadership Monostory. Thank you for using your gifts, your formidable gifts. Thank you for so patiently working through my Monostory with me. Your ability to walk with people through "Monostory Therapy" is impressive!!" 
